
The easiest way to add Partytown to an Astro site is adding the snippet to a <script> in the <head> using the partytownSnippet(config) function.


npm install


Import the submodule into the header of the .astro file, and create the snippet HTML with the partytownSnippet(config) function. The optional Partytown configuration is the first argument.

import { partytownSnippet } from '';
const partytownSnippetHtml = partytownSnippet({
  debug: true,
  forward: ['dataLayer.push']

Partytown Script

Add the scripts to the body of the same .astro file. (Note that the set:html attribute is current available in astro@next.)

Add the type="text/partytown" attribute for each script that should run from a web worker.

<script set:html={partytownSnippetHtml}></script>

<script type="text/partytown">
  /* Inlined Third-Party Script */

Copy Library Files

Copy library files to public/~partytown. How the files are copied or served from your site is up to each site’s setup. A partytown copylib CLI copy task has been provided for convenience which helps copy the Partytown library files to the public directory. Below is an example of creating a “partytown” NPM script which runs before the astro build command:

"scripts": {
  "build": "npm run partytown && astro build",
  "partytown": "partytown copylib public/~partytown"